Tuesday 18 April 2017

Thanks Eh!

Ok peeps

As I reach post numero veinte (20).
I want to say thank you so far for your support.

When I started posting my aim was to attain 1000 views.
As I look at the total views for this blog today, I can see that  we (yes we, you all helped) have surpassed that.
It is amazing to see that my blog was viewed by many people from different countries-Iraq, Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom and United States just to name a few.
Yes, I feeling little special!

It has been a pleasure  and will continue to be one.
In the process I learnt to look at topics from different perspectives from random conversations.
Most of all I had fun.

I want to thank those who read, commented and shared my post.
To those who suggested topics and will continue to share topics-It is appreciated!
To  my special peep who designed my header (To get my blog looking pretty)-Gracias
To my coworkers who supported me and left a lil comment -Thank You

To my guest writer from the Rotaract Arima District ...
Thank you for taking the time to share your 2017 Recycle project.
Hope that you can do another piece for the blog in the future.

To God for giving me the strength to reach that 20 post marker-Thank you

You'd think I'm getting some kinda award eh?lol

Thanks Again. Looking forward to your continued support.

p.s Stay tuned for post number 21..#wejammingstill

Ridiculously grateful.


Let's Plan to Plant!

Hi peeps 
So today we have a guest writer from the Rotaract Club of Arima sharing their Recycling project done at Cumaca Roman Catholic Primary School.

There is a saying “to plant is to believe in tomorrow"
But it's more than that
To save our planet is a Nobel task.
 Let’s be honest we all know our grandparents reused, 🔄 recycle and upcycle
Essentially​, that’s how we can save the environment! 🌏
what’s the importance of a plastic bottle?
 Well, Plastic at minimum takes 450 years to more than 1000 years to biodegrade.
Fun Fact : this means that even after we leave the earth our descendants still have our plastic "gifts" there being an eyesore.
These bottles are important because they can be recycled or reused.
 Instead of pollution, we can give the gift of food
1.First, we get empty  bottles,

2.  Then we cut them. Now I'm sure you're asking,but how??
 In most cases cutting the bottle a little under the halfway mark is good.

If you have the bigger bottles like in this picture; a little less bottle height is needed. It makes up in the width.
The rest of the bottle can be turned over holes can be bore in the cap and then voilà , watering can!!!!

3. Then we plant we get a soil mixture 
Garden soil is good, but it needs to be modified.
Good mix can be made by using one part garden soil, one part peat moss and one part perlite or coarse builders sand. Don't use fine beach sand or play sand) Aeration is important to container seedlings.

4. Then planting in containers
 Try using crops that are more suitable for that particular nursery.
 Ask yourself growth rate, space and transplant ability versus capability of the bottle IE revaluate you plant /bottle relationship...Will it last to grow into something beautiful? We suggest,small seasoning crops (come on , you know Caribbean people cannot live without spices and seasoning) . some crops include chive and celery , seedlings like :lettuce and spinach.

In the end we hope you look at this bottle the way she does.Knowing we are making the world a better ,tastier place.

Wednesday 12 April 2017


On my way to work the other day, I heard over the radio the sad news of Payless Shoes Source filing for bankruptcy.
Being the concerned supporter of Payless Shoe Source
I had to get to the bottom of this…
So I made a bee-line to the ATM.
Four random letters on repeat in my head as I stood in the line
S- A- L -E, S -A -L -E, S -A -L-E!

Like a child waiting to open her gift on Christmas day
I pushed open Payless door only to hear silence and see random people here and there between lanes.
This is a clear indication that something is not right!
You all know how it goes when there is sale
People does walk with their clan-is mama, papa, aunty, tanty, cousin-sister-friend- neighbour.
Despite no Sale signs, I there convincing myself I am early for the sale
People ain’t know yet!

So I start scanning my lane…
There stood boxes and boxes of shoes
No lowered prices!
Limited red tags!

My poor brain now start to accept what really going on!
No sale?

Trinidad and Tobago in recession...
Yet, we still managed to support a failing business enough for T&T branches to remain open
You mean to tell me Payless couldn’t show some appreciation with a sale?
Come nah man
Time to bring on that S A L E