Saturday 4 February 2017

KETCH UP With The Latest Condiment On Doubles

Hi Everyone

So this is me,trying out blogging as a requirement in fulfillment of my MBA.

My first post is about food-Doubles.

If you don't know what Doubles is...this is the time to  start checking your birth certificate (find out where you really from) or start asking your parents some pertinent questions .

I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this.Don't worry, there is probably still hope for you.

Moving along, for all the Trinbagonians who are sure who they are,we all know that every Trinbagonian and their brother like Doubles..

So, how alyuh like yuh Doubles

slight pepper?
heavy pepper? (til your eyes and chest burning simultaneously)
roast pepper?
coconut/cucumber/ chutney?
sweet sauce/ or none at all?
Alyuh find those too traditional?

what about....... slight /heavy ketchup?
No, you didn't read wrong..KETCHUP

                   (I love doubles)

Alyuh find this ridiculous? 
Let's rate this..we using the Scale of Ridiculousness to comment.

Scale: 1-6

1-Least Ridiculous 6- Most Ridiculous.

One more thing..comment whether you are willing to try the ketchup on yuh Doubles(try it, you might like it 😂)

To each their own. But I giving ketchup on doubles a six (6)-out the oval with that!!!. I really not going to try it.


  1. Love I not really feeling the ketchup should continue with blogging...quite entertaining :)

  2. Ketchup does not belong on doubles- 6!

  3. What travesty is this....this hurts my heart like the doubles that i was eating for breakfast fell on the floor.....definite 6....

  4. I'm no big fan of doubles but when I have it, I like it with slight channa,shadow benny,cucumber,no pepper and plenty sweet sauce. As for me that ketchup on doubles, nah miss me with that.6 for that.

  5. Replies
    1. I agree with you
      so you ranking that a 5 or 6?lol

  6. I like my doubles with coconut, cucumber and sweet sauce no pepper! I mean everyone like their doubles differently, I just can't understand why would someone be so disrespectful where did the ketchup come from lol ? Another reason to believe the world is coming to an end sigh some traditions just doesn't need to be changed 6!

  7. so we not changing the tradition
    i understand

  8. I would give it a 6 also. Trinidadians put ketchup on everything. So I will try it at least once. However I do not believe ketchup goes well in a doubles.

  9. I would give it a 6 also. Trinidadians put ketchup on everything. So I will try it at least once. However I do not believe ketchup goes well in a doubles.

  10. Nah I ain't trying that. I give it a rating of 1. I real particular with my food, lol

  11. Ketchup dont belong on doubles. Thts a gayle, out the ground 6.

  12. Is this one of the commandments that they left out?
    Didn't they talk about this at the UN?

    This HAS to be some kinda war crime... o_O

    1. it is written in the book of "on becoming a trinbagonian"
      First must Not put ketchup on or near doubles.and they bold, highlight and italicize it.

  13. I love to eat doubles, but putting ketchup on doubles just so WRONG!!!!

  14. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good doubles but the day you put the ketchup on doubles, nah man, that sounding like something to have your belly in knots. Nope, I'm good, I'll pass.

  15. yessssss..they don't belong together

  16. This is super gross I'll rate it a 6 btw I'm not seeing my first comment .

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love the blog....I rate it a 4.....dare me with good cash involved and I will try it!!!! Lol

    1. No cash jo you just have to want to try I know that is failure with ketchup on your doubles

  19. HAhahahaha...NOT ME AND DAT!!! YACK!!1
