Thursday 23 March 2017

Eat Right and Be Alright


I am that person who makes a list before I go to the grocery; then go specifically to that lane to get what I need and after that you would only see the dust behind me.
So there are some lanes I have no idea what is there.

Recently, I saw some pictures circulating  Facebook that made me scratch my head a little bit and pause.
For research purposes, I decided that I needed to scan the lanes of certain Groceries to see what really going on here in our beloved T&T.

And the findings suggest that we as Trinidadians are Ridiculous!
As my supervisor says some wires in our brain must be disconnect.

People, we not serious.
Don't tell me we so busy we don't have time to peel an onion and slice it..doh do meh that!
Alyuh, Groceries selling onions sliced and packaged 
Better than that, Portugal peeled and packaged in groups of four. 😑

But what is worst than the grocery selling it?
We (consumers, certainly not I) buying it!
It selling out!
Hot Hops want nothing with these sliced onions.

I mean we have grown accustomed to the Calalloo and Coleslaw packs but ONION?
Personally, I don't like to buy anything they decide to wrap for me in cling wrap
You don't know what you getting...(I'm not into the cat in bag business)
Packaging is an additional cost making it more expensive for us.
Half the time it could be produce that remains from during the week that they decide to cut up and package nicely for you to cook on Sunday.
Produce that if  you saw it in its entirety ,in the market, you wouldn't waste a second look.
Vegetables you wouldn't even take if you getting it free in the market
But the grocery cut it up nice, nice and you pay for it!
You might even pronounce the Onion with an accent now because you purchased it in the grocery, sliced.


Hear me out...
So we buying veggies and fruits that already sliced  and peeled in the grocery because we want to be healthy and it is convenient
Yes, I know !
But we need to stop it!

Research shows that cutting vegetables ,that will remain on a shelf  for God knows when, results in risk of: discolouration, flavour loss, texture loss, dehydration and nutrient loss.
Nutrient loss generally increases as the vegetables are cut into smaller pieces.
The finer you cut or shred your vegetables is the faster you should eat it.
See the same Cole slaw or Chow mein pack?
Do as though you have Alzheimers and forget that!
All those cabbage and carrots liming in a pack for days
By the time you consume it, it only good for roughage and to make your lunch look pretty.
Now you have to run to the  pharmacy to purchase tablets to get your dosage of vitamins and iron and other stuff the body needs.

Let's eat the right way!

Okay  peeps, what you all think of the sliced onions in a pack?

Let's rate this..we using the Scale of Ridiculousness to comment.

Scale: 1-6

1-Least Ridiculous 6- Most Ridiculous.

Also, what else have you seen in the grocery that makes you think-Na man, that is ridiculous!


  1. Some people may see it as a convenience but to me I' will stick to cutting my own onions. I would give it a 2! Some people really see buying this as one less thing to do in the kitchen.

  2. Exactly!!! I'll stick to cutting my own veggies please!!

  3. Thanks for the info on not buying pre-cut vegetables

  4. If it's one thing my mother goes to the market and get all her veggies and cuts it up herself. She don't play with that shelf cut-cup veggies i'll give it a hard 4

  5. I'll give it a 4,because cutting up veggies does not take that long. SMH!!
