Wednesday 15 March 2017

Sande Grande Anyone?

 I was going through my Facebook news feed and I did not know if to laugh or cry.
My automatic reaction was to laugh when I saw it
But, it is actually quite sad.

I know we have some communities' names that are difficult to spell
like Oropouche, Vessigny and Teschier Village
If you are not living in those communities, chances of you spelling it correctly... kinda slim.

Peeps, this right here though...
It take the cake!

Spelling Bee Award Goes to...........

I really hope this bus was not going on a " Know Your Country Tour"🤣

Alyuh find this ridiculous? 
Let's rate this..we using the Scale of Ridiculousness to comment.

Scale: 1-6

1-Least Ridiculous 6- Most Ridiculous.


  1. It's a public transportation bus though it makes it even worse sigh . Maybe it's a phonological representation of how we say it?

    1. Many people pronounce it that i guess the way what do u rate it

  2. I agree with you Raqs, I don't know what to do laugh or cry. I'll give this a 6 most ridiculous!!!

  3. Honestly speaking that is shame thing, but that is ridiculous and a hard 6
