Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Grammar Nazi

This one goes out to all grammar Nazis.
 Ever write a post or put up a status and  ketch yourself trying to remember how to spell a word?
 Being part of the social media generation I find myself often seeing words that are spelled incorrectly. 
Now this post is not for the crowd “oh, gorsh is just a social media post not a scholarly paper"
 This post is for everyone.

 Admit it, raise yuh hand if you ever stopped typing a message to go check Google to see if you spell a word correctly?
 Or call a friend next to you to check it over?
 It happens!

I’ve seen people criticize others for spelling ‘their’ instead of ‘there’ and on top of that call them  E-LITTER-RATE (I’m not making up anything. I saw this on Facebook recently)
 Peeps, I can only assume E-LITTER-RATE is an internet sensation of kittens who share high ratings 
Urban Dictionary here is one to add to the list!
There are the self-proclaimed grammar Nazis who cannot stand to spell words wrong
Come nah man don’t do me that!
According to Rodey “why yuh doin it ?’
I mean how can you criticise and don’t hit spell check ?.

It’s one thing to notice a spelling error (p.s congrats my friend)
 But why do we feel the need to put people on blast
And then to make things worse, put yourself on blast
There are many reasons for bad spelling including typos
 Other times it might just be the persons spelling ability is not that great.
Yes we might chuckle
Here’s a thought, instead of showing off your glorified superiority in the University of Facebook …
Hit ah spell “Cheque” na!

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