Monday 10 April 2017


Ok, so remember when Collin Lucas took the task of teaching people how to “Dollar wine” like how ‘trinis’ wine?
Every good Trinidadian knows that Dollar Wine starts with “cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, dollar”.
By the time, you reach the dollar, your waist would make 360 degrees like the coin shape!

Recently, there has been talk about the Central Bank retiring the one cent. 
Therefore, no more $99.99 sale from Francis Fashions where your conscience feels lighter for not spending a whole $100.00
 No more scattered spare one cents guaranteed to scratch your phone card.

Times are changing and apparently with the cost of minting one 1 cent coin the cost is 21 cents. 
The most cost effective move is to retire them.
What does that mean for parties years from now?
Nothing much, except..... new generations will be confused as to the reference of this currency. 
Imagine explaining to your children “once, long ago we used to have one cents when I was younger”.

If it saves $15 million per annum. , I say it’s ridiculous to keep them. 
As far  as the country goes in these times of an economic decline; it’s a small but necessary change (pun intended). 

We sadly say good bye. 
As the song goes “forget all the small change, gimme big money wine”

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