Thursday 16 February 2017

Bumper to Fender

Hey peeps

Me again. Today's topic is Traffic Congestion.

The ONLY time Trinbagonians enjoy Bumper to Fender traffic is on the road,Carnival Monday and Tuesday or, in a fete..🎵And it must be blasting from  speakers mounted on a truck.🎵🚚
It is NOT acceptable any other day!
And according to Machel, it does not require sitting in a vehicle nor is it associated with any kind of frustration or stress. Actually, the way M M brings  it across it seems quite exciting!
Take a listen below.

Back to reality
Nobody does  be grinning from ear to ear when they see vehicles lining the Highway big Monday morning. Nor do we jump out our vehicle, in  glee, and buss a wine when the traffic making you late for work.. 
 We don't discuss traffic with delight.
You ever hear a Trinbagonian say:
"Neigbour, that was a nice piece of traffic this morning eh ?, can't wait for it tomorrow morning! (and smile)👀 
That and Iwere George winning Road March, this year, are synonymous for -It simply doesn't exist.

Traffic congestion is so bad in Trinidad that those stuck in traffic utilize this time to; make life decisions,  do their make-up ( I'm talking full works here- foundation and contour) and complete their five (5) chapters for their dissertation.
Yes, it's that ridiculous!

It could never be right that we have to sit two (2) hours or more in traffic, when it would only take a maximum of one hour, before we even reach the office. By the time you reach the office you feel as though that is your second job. Imagine you just arrived at work and you are already bracing yourself for the traffic that is waiting patiently for you after work. This happens throughout the country. How can we deal with this?

Let's do like Michael Jackson and start with the Man in the Mirror.

How can we become proactive in the reduction of traffic congestion in Trinidad and Tobago?

1. Take Mass transit
🎜 Red band Maxi,  Green band Maxi, Yellow  , Black 🎜😁
Oh, don't forget the Bus.

2. Don't Rubberneck
 I don't understand why we  slow down, without fail, when we see an accident or a breakdown. 
What is so fascinating about a flat tyre?
If there is an accident and you stop to take a pic or a video , it is possible that you maybe preventing the paramedics from reaching on site

3. Pay attention on the road
While you may be bored in traffic this is so not the time to be applying lipstick and keeping back other drivers in the process..(This is just an example people, I'm not blaming any particular gender)

Question time..
How many hours do you spend in traffic per day ?
What is your contribution to the reduction of traffic congestion?


  1. When I was working in pos I used to be stuck in 3 hours of prevent that I decided to leave home much earlier....The end result reaching to work before 6 a.m. lol....loving your blog my dear :)

    1. 3 hours..ridiculous hmm well i understand why u leave earlier

  2. I'm stuck in traffic for almost an hr it's supposed to take me 15 mins 15 mins and here's d sad part eh a gas station is going up there and a mall so at what point will it be enough.Theres already groceries there and a school I mean we need to plan properly and utilise better planning skills in dealing with infrastructure.How do you block off a road and then filter all this traffic through a tiny little bottle neck road .Its utterly ridiculous.And also big man while the government is to blame carpooling is still ah option go jam up to it bumper.

  3. wow..i sense your frustration..great idea @carpooling

  4. Owhh waww..Traffic congestion is a really important concern in Trinidad that we Trinidadians seem to neglect especially the government..there are too many vehicles on our roads and most of these vehicles hold about one or 2 persons for the most..When I used to work in the Tacarigua area, Golden Grove precisely..I would literally have to leave my residence an hour and a hlf before the set work time jus to not meet traffic by Bhagwansingh's Hardware and the intersection by Golden Grove..What is to blame for this?? The government needs to implement proper planning and infrastructure on all roads..these narrow carriageways where cars have to merge into tiny ass roads,populated areas that only have one way access to them from the highway and not to mention the struggle for public transportation so that the public has no other choice but to drive increasing the amount of cars on the road.. all these points need to be taken into consideration.. I agree that carpooling is a great way to curb this situation, but I also believe that maxis should be easily accesible to the public so that the bus route can be utilised therefore decreasing the amount of cars on the highways where traffic usually occurs.

    1. so the point that keeps reoccurring is proper planning..and that's an important factor.thanks for your contribution

  5. Well thank god I don't travel anymore I walk to work. Before when I was working in Pos I had to be out before 6:30 just to catch a maxi before the crown reach on the bus route and if I was getting a drop we left home by 5:30 / 5:45 to avoid traffic on the road. I think carpooling would be a great idea, too many cars on the road. This may also reduce our pollution a bit.

  6. well u are one of the lucky definitely will reduce air pollution

  7. Loving the blog,but for me, I am in traffic for about 1-3hrs each day just to reach home on evenings or worse yet when i have to leave work at 4pm to make it for a 5pm class....hmmm always and forever late. But once i leave at 5.30am on mornings the result is a smooth flow of traffic on the main road

    1. this would mean that you have a very long day.hmm

  8. I have been fortunate to work for a company that offers flexibility, Praise God! So I don't need to be in the traffic I wait until it dies down before I head to work.

  9. Just today alone, I was caught in traffic for four hours coming from Chaguaramas. But then again I sort of place myself to be within that position. Word of advise, the earlier you leave the better your drive to work will be plain and simple.
