Thursday 16 February 2017

Go Green, Don't smell Green

Hi Peeps

Can you all agree with this?
It would be quite embarrassing if someone said this to you...

So we save ourselves from embarrassment and we use deodorants and antiperspirants to emit less body odour.
Am I right or am I right?


You ever look behind your deodorant or antiperspirant label and see some words that you cannot pronounce or worst yet, know what it is?

You start seeing so much letters in one begin to contemplate what letter in the alphabet missing from that word?
Or you automatically start telling yourself the longer the word, the better the ingredient?

Google is right at our fingertips.

We all know that when you are in doubt Google is your Best _______!(see i didn't have to finish the sentence. You all know it)

So how come we don't find out what we are putting in our bodies and its effects?
Yet, we use these deodorants and antiperspirants 2-3 times daily.

Ridiculously harmful ingredients in your deodorant

So now that we are aware of what is in our deodorant and the effects these chemicals have on our bodies let's be smart and find healthier alternatives to smelling good and feeling refreshed. 

What are some healthier alternatives?

No, it does not require you to remove yourself from civilization and reside in the hills away from the rest of humans and become one with nature.
Baby steps....It's quite simple:

1.  Limit your intake of spicy foods, garlic and onion, alcohol, processed , fatty and sugary food.

2. Hydrate with water and water- filled foods such as cucumber and watermelon.

Check out this post from a friend - Benefits of drinking water

3. Utilize natural herbs like Rosemary

4.Make your own, natural deodorant ( I actually tried this one.People, it works.You just might be saving your own life)

So I wouldn't leave you hanging. Here is the recipe for Homemade Deodorant.

Homemade Deodorant

3 tbsp Coconut Oil
2 tbsp Shea Butter
3 tbsp Baking Soda
2 tbsp Arrow Root/Corn Starch
2 capsules of vitamin E
5 drops of essential oil (optional, but bare in mind Shea butter is not the best fragrance ever)

1. Make a double boiler (place a half-pint glass jar in the middle of a small pot of water)

2.Bring water to a simmer. Add Coconut Oil and Shea Butter to the jar and let melt. Turn off the heat, and mix the remainder of ingredients and stir until completely smooth.

3.Transfer the deodorant to an old antiperspirant tube to make the application easier. Allow to cool.

There we have it- alternatives to deodorants and antiperspirants that could be killing us slowly.

Let's make informed decisions to ensure we remain healthy!

Are we ridiculously lazy when it concerns our health or are we just misinformed?
What do you practice to ensure your health?


  1. Great post!!! I was thinking of making my own deodorant, there are some organic based ones selling now. You can get them in leading pharmacies such as Starlite and Superpharm.

  2. Thanks for the information. I always saw the ingredients but never really thought about it like that. Food for thought 🤔

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't even think it's misinformation just unaware.We use it without thinking it gets into our body.we sumhow detach the idea of surface application as being invasive or affecting our health.These can make great gifts though like a whole organic line of products and you for once get to make the smell.package it like a penny-wise gift set make some fake labels and voila.Ive used this one before and it actually works really well also it seems to help my skin.

    1. yes, the deodorant is not just liming on your skin goes into your body.
      i have found that the homemade deodorant helps with the removal of dark spots under the arm..

  5. This post was very informative and useful. I used to always look but then I got lazy with it. Now I'll pay more attention and even try to make my own.

    1. glad to spread some knowledge.thanks or your input
